News Features

Anecdotally, We’re Crashing a Whole Lot—It’s Definitely the Phones. Definitely

Anecdotally, We're Crashing a Whole Lot—It’s Definitely the Phones. Definitely

Back in 1988, Dustin Hoffman confidently declared the excellence of his driving in Rain Man. “I’m an excellent driver” became a beloved 1980s catchphrase, along with “Rumba-bumba-who?” and “Hey, that’s my cheese!” I don’t want to spoil anything, in case you’re still working through your Tom Cruise VHS backlog, but it turned out that Hoffman was not really an excellent driver. But by the current standards of rampant highway incompetence, Rain Man was Ayrton Senna. He could sit behind the wheel and keep his eyes on the road, a feat that 90 percent of the dead-eyed, mouth-­breathing licensed public has a hard time accomplishing these days. READ MORE ››

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