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Off-Roading: Useful Tips For Beginners

Perhaps you’ve always fancied trying off-roading or maybe a friend likes to off-road and has told you how much fun it can be; whatever the reason for your desire to give this interesting and enthralling hobby a try, you are most probably also feeling a little daunted by the prospect. For many drivers, off-roading is more than just a hobby, it becomes a passion.

Of course, while off-roading can be a lot of fun and can quickly become a passion, being new to off-roading can be extremely daunting. There’s a lot to learn and a large amount of safety factors to consider. The good news is that the off-roading community tends to be a highly supportive one, so as a newbie off-roader you are sure to get lots of support.

To help ensure that your first few times off-roading are as successful as possible, below are some useful tips to take note of.

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Off-roading trails are coded

Believe it or not, off-roading is not just finding any old trail and heading down it. Did you know that like ski slopes, off-roading trails are color-coded in terms of who they are suitable for? Usually, green trails are the ones suitable for beginners as they’re simpler to drive and require less skill. Blue is usually the next step up, followed by black, and then red. Black trails are rather extreme, while red trails are very extreme and can be seriously dangerous. For beginners, green and blue trails are best.

You’ll need the right vehicle

To be able to off-road successfully, you will require a four-wheeled drive that is designed to go off-road. The key factor when it comes to off-roading successfully is suspension, which is why you might want to look at suspension upgrades for your vehicle before you take it off-roading, to ensure it can handle the terrain that you take it over.

Be prepared

The first rule of off-roading is to always be prepared. You literally never know what will happen out on a trail, and so it’s essential that you are prepared to deal with almost anything. It’s a good idea to always carry the items that you will require if you need pulling out of the mud, for instance, as well as a first aid kit and lots of drinks and snacks too.

It’s also a good idea to ensure that your vehicle is properly prepared and has been fitted with all of the necessary items for off-roading, such as spare tires, a winch, body armor, a bumper, and recovery gear.

Travel as part of a group

It’s never a good idea to go off-roading on your own, it’s always a good idea to travel as part of a group. Not only is off-roading as part of a group more enjoyable, but it’s also a safer idea as that way if you get into trouble on the trail, there are people on hand to help you out.

There you have it, everything that you need to know about off-roading and how to get into it as a beginner.