News Features

Some Of The Biggest Dangers You Can Face Behind The Wheel

Driving is pretty dangerous, when you think about it. You might be the most careful driver in the world, but if you’re on the road at the wrong time, you might end up in an accident that wasn’t your fault. However, there are other things surrounding you that could also be dangerous without you really realizing it. Take a look at some of the biggest dangers you can face behind the wheel and see if there’s anything you can do to ensure you don’t end up getting hurt:

Your Phone

Your phone is one of the most dangerous things you can use while driving. There’s a reason it’s pretty much banned everywhere now! It doesn’t matter whether you’re texting, talking on the phone, or using your phone as a sat nav; they can all be equally as dangerous if you’re allowing them to distract you. You should make sure your sat nav is set up before you leave the house, as touching your phone at all while you’re driving is against the law. Better yet, buy a real sat nav and put your phone in your glovebox so that you’re not tempted to look at it while you drive.

Your Kids

Having kids in the car can be unavoidable, but you don’t have to allow yourself to become distracted by them. Make sure you set some ground rules for when you’re in the car together. Make sure they know what they should and shouldn’t be doing. For example, siblings should know not to argue in the car. They should know to keep their seatbelts on and to avoid distracting you at all. If you do need to deal with one of your kids while you’re driving, pull over. Don’t turn around while you’re moving.



Eating while driving may seem like you’re killing two birds with one stone, but it can be just as distracting as using your phone. What if you were to drop or spill food? Firms like deal with drivers that have gotten into accidents this way all the time, so make sure you don’t make the same mistakes. Eat before or after you’re journey, not in the middle of it!


Most people need 7 hours of sleep a night to function optimally. If you’re tired, you are a risk to yourself and other road users. Take a nap if you can, and keep the windows down for the fresh air to wake you up. If you feel so tired you could fall asleep at any moment, don’t get behind the wheel. It’s as bad as being drunk.

Talkative Passengers

Passengers who talk a lot probably won’t even realize that they are distracting you, but that’s what they are doing, especially if you’re getting too involved in the conversation and taking your attention off the road.

Other Drivers

Of course, accidents won’t always be down to you. This is why defensive driving whenever you’re in the car will help you. Don’t get complacent!