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The Most Important Questions To Ask in 2019 Before Buying A Car

Buying a new car is something every driver has to do periodically, some more often than others depending on things like budget, miles covered, and other factors. There are questions you should make sure you ask every time you’re thinking of replacing/upgrading your current car. Below, you’ll find a list of the most important questions to ask before buying a car this year:

  1. Is This Car Eco Friendly Enough?

It’s 2019, and that means more and more people are becoming concerned with being eco-friendly enough. Cars can have a huge impact on the environment, and it can be a big help if you choose a car that isn’t going to have as much of a negative impact as most models. This could mean investing in an electric vehicle, or even a hybrid vehicle. They can be pricier, and they aren’t always the fanciest looking cars, but you will be doing something great for the environment.

2. Does This Car Suit My Needs And Lifestyle?

Knowing what kind of cars suit your needs and your lifestyle is also imperative if you want to ensure you have the best time on the road and have total peace of mind. You don’t want to feel like you’ve made a grave error a few days or even a few weeks after purchasing your car. Ask the following questions to be sure:

  • Who will be using the car most?
  • How much space is needed?
  • What safety features would be useful?
  • How safe is the vehicle and how did it perform in safety tests?
  • Where will the car be driven?

By asking the above questions, and even looking for other question lists online, you’ll be able to find a car that suits your needs and lifestyle perfectly.


3. Can I Truly Afford This Car And The Ongoing Costs?

You need to have a good idea of what you can afford month on month if you’re going to purchase the right car for your lifestyle. You have to consider the initial cost, insurance, maintenance, and anything else that could impact the cost of the car – such as whether you are taking out a loan to pay for it or getting it on finance. You could look for a toyota rav4 for sale if you’re looking for a nice car that is both affordable and reliable.

4. Can You Test Drive The Car?

A demo isn’t always enough to know what you’re doing or whether the car is right for you, so a test drive can sometimes be the best thing to do when looking around dealerships.

5. Can You See The Maintenance History?

Being able to see the maintenance history is a must if you’re purchasing a used car, otherwise, you may be purchasing a stolen car or one with lots of hidden issues.

6. Can The Seller Offer You A Better Price?Work on your negotiating skills. There’s no harm in asking if you can get a better price if you feel this sale warrants it. Take somebody who knows about cars to look at them with you and they might be able to spot something and knock a chunk of money off the asking price.